* NEW* JOY IN THE JOURNEY: Recover with Colour

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A colouring book for co dependents on our path towards recovery.

This item is new to the CoDA conference-approved literature. It was added Feb-March 2022. 

The 83 pages in this coloring book have been designed as a creative outlet for codependents on their path to recovery. There are 36 original Illustrates on high-quality paper inspired by the CoDA 12 Step, 12 Traditions, and 12 Promises. In addition to the wonderful illustrations, there are beautifully designed spaces for you to capture your thoughts and ideas.

The book is flex/bound with soft cover on brilliant white paper stock. Note: this book is A4 standard European letter size (not US 8.5" x 11"), sold as presented. The price reflects an already-applied fifty pence discount: It has a slight text box outline on page thirty eight, which does not affect the quality or usability of the book.

Product Code CODA-7004
Weight 0.53kg